Apply for a Swim Teacher License

    Your Details

    [group group-14 clear_on_hide]
    As you have done a course with us, we should have your personal information on file. However we will contact you if we need to know any personal details. If any of your personal details have changed recently (such as your address), please select 'No' to this Question and provide updated details.


    [group group-15 clear_on_hide]

    Additional Information

    Please can you supply the following information:

    - File type permitted: 'pdf' only
    - Maximum file size 2MB

    - File type permitted: 'pdf' only
    - Maximum file size 2MB


    [group group-300 clear_on_hide]

    Industry Onboarding

    Please upload the completed signed copy of the Industry Onboarding Record.

    - File type permitted: 'pdf' only
    - Maximum file size 2MB

    Please upload the completed signed copy of the Practical Assessment Form.

    - File type permitted: 'pdf' only
    - Maximum file size 2MB

    Upload your photo

    - File type permitted: 'jpg' only
    - Maximum file size 2MB
    - Must be a Passport Style photo of less than six months old
    - If taken by you, good quality, in colour and focus and head and should only. Looking straight at the camera and with a plain background.


    - File type permitted: 'jpg' or 'pdf' only
    - Maximum file size 2MB
    - Must be a government issued photo identification

    Working with Children Check

    Please take a photo of your Blue card (or Exemption Card) and upload the picture. By submitting this form your authorise Royal Life Saving to link your card to us.

    - File type permitted: 'jpg' or 'pdf' only
    - Maximum file size 2MB

    Health & Fitness

    Please refer to Section 5 of the Licensee Handbook. Please confirm that you have an appropriate level of health & fitness consistent with the GSPO (refer section 5) to perform your duties as a Swim Teacher.

    Safeguarding Children

    Please refer to Section 2 of the Licensee Handbook. Please confirm that you read the section 'Safeguarding Children' and agree to the Code of Coduct.


    Please enter any messages or questions that you have:

    Royal Life Saving Queensland (RLSSQ) will verify the above information and may issue a Swim Teacher License in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the Licensee Handbook. RLSSQ reserves its right to cancel a Swim Teacher License at it discretion.

    - I wish to apply for a Swim Teacher License on the terms and condition outlined in the Licensee Handbook,
    - All information supplied is true and correct,
    - I am the person outlined in this application and I am submitting this application on my own behalf,
    - I authorise Royal Life Saving to very my information and link my Blue Card / Exemption Card to Royal Life Saving Society Queensland Inc.

    Please be patient, this may takje a few minutes as your files are uploaded.

    View our Licensee Information:
    Licensee Handbook - Training Privacy Notice - Privacy Policy

    Privacy Notice
    We respect your privacy. Information collected on this form will be used for the purpose of dealing with your enquiry. This information may be disclosed to relevant staff, officers, members, suppliers, contractors, affiliates and/or training partners. If your feedback involves a person or a response from a person, that person may view the information you have provided in order to respond. Please contact us if you do not agree with our privacy policy as we may not be able to process your feedback. You will be able to access this information by contacting our Privacy Officer.
    Note: Certain information from your computer (including your IP address and other identifiers) will be collected when this form is submitted.